Hala works as a designer engineer, she often works on piping and construction projects. While working in an external position at another company, she got the recommendation to look at Vuicon for a fitting fulltime position.
“I really like the idea that the workshop is in the same location. It’s really helpful that when you make something, you can go and check it in real life, that really makes a difference. Also my coworkers in the workshop can come to you if something is not clear or if they need more information. That’s how I learn how they need my drawings to be and how I can improve them for the next time.
I really like the branche we work with, the offshore and maritime sector. I learn something new from every project, because we do something new every time. We work as a team, there’s someone for designing, someone for calculations, people from the workshop and of course a project engineer. For every new project I work with different people, it’s not a fixed group. I can learn something new from them every time. A piping project can take a really long time, and it’s nice to have shorter projects at the same time. it’s really fun to see the result here and the most fun to see it at the actual location. The drawing has come to life.
At Vuicon I have a lot of international colleagues, that makes it really suitable for me, the English environment. In other companies I’ve had work interactions in English, but when they have fun they have fun in Dutch. So sometimes I could feel like a stranger. But, because there are a lot of international people here, people talk to you in English more. After work we often have drinks, where everyone interacts with everyone. And we have an office dog, Kiki, I’m a bit afraid of dogs, but Kiki is really cute, really fun, she helps me get over the fear.
Also this company actually has 10% women! That is a lot more than my last company where I was the only one in a company of a hundred. Everyone is equal, it feels quite intimate and everyone is really lovely. It’s nice to have these relationships with your colleagues, because you spend more time with them than your family, you have to see them 8 hours per day. “

Working at Vuicon